Xochi Blymyer on Blood In / Blood Out

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Blood In / Blood Out
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2nd 2nd A.D..- BLOOD IN, BLOOD OUT - Hollywood Pictures - 1991 Director: Taylor Hackford, UPMs: Sharon Mann, Karen Penhale, 1st A.D.: Josh McLaglen, 2nd A.D.: Alex Kramarchuk

Not long after I finished "Terminator 2" I got a phone call from a production manager. She said, "We're replacing our 2nd 2nd AD and our 1st A.D., Josh McLaglen said that you were the one to call. We're in San Quentin prison with a dozen actors and lots of real inmates and difficult paperwork. Are you interested?" Of course, I said Yes! I packed my things and the next day I was off to prison to work on "Blood In, Blood Out". When I arrived I asked if they could introduce me to Josh. That was a surprise to them because they assumed that he had recommended somebody he knew! Ooops! But Josh was not disappointed. I happily took to the task of tattoos and prisoners and paperwork just as he had told them I would. After prison, we continued the movie in East Los Angeles where each morning one of the locals would show us bullet holes and marks of battles that had been had on that particular corner or building.




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