Death Valley

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Death Valley - Season 1
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Executive Producer/Director: Todd Holland; Producer/UPM: Jimmy Simons; Additional Directors: Millicent Shelton, Brian Gordon, Kevin Dowling

The summer of 2011, I was recommended by a producer, Jimmy Simons, to an executive producer who was looking for a 1st Assistant Director for his new television show called Free Agents. Now, the best thing about this man is that as busy as he was, he took my resume and before he even set an interview, he began calling people he knew from my resume to inquire about me. Thanks to those people by the way. By the time we met, he already had an idea of who I was and I him. It was the most relaxed interview of all. I was hired on the spot! And in the end, it was a great match. Todd Holland was the director and executive producer of Free Agents. The show itself only got to film 8 episodes before it was cancelled and aired just 3 times but a new relationship was created for me with this amazing director/producer.



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